This is the data input file for a CDM/CDMSmith Pittsburgh versionSWMM4 model from 2000 to 2004. It has additional capabilities beyond SWMM 4.4 and was made as a bridge between SWMM 4 and SWMM 5, thus the 4.5 number.


* <<<<<<<<< SWMM 4.45A(beta) RUNOFF DATA FILE >>>>>>>>>
* This is an input data file to the SWMM 4.4 Runoff Block for
* modeling watershed quantity and quality. All lines with an
* asterisk in column 1 are comment lines and are ignored
* by the program.
* Input data are free format and may be up to 230 columns wide.
* You must have a value for every data column even if the program
* will not actually use a given value. A slash (/) may be used
* to indicate that remaining fields should be filled with "no data
* entry" or null-entry. This almost always means those input
* parameters will be zero. (See example for data group L1.) A very
* common data input error is to accidentally omit required parameters
* at the end of a data group. There must be at least one space
* (or comma) between every input value.
* Caution! Data lines that are "wrapped around" (continued on
* two or more lines) should have a blank in column 1, unless a
* card identifier is needed.
* Alphanumeric data ($ANUM option) should be enclosed in single
* quotes. These include all references to subcatchment and
* channel/pipe/inlet names.
* In general, SWMM parameters with names that begin with the letters
* I,J,K,L,M,N are integers (e.g., NSCRAT() ), following the usual
* Fortran convention, and entered values must not include a
* decimal point.
* To avoid literary quotes being printed in output, use $NOQUOTE
* after MM line.
* SWMM uses both U.S. customary units and metric units. The
* examples use feet, cfs, acres, inches, inches/hour, and miles/hr.
* If metric is specified substitute meters, cms, hectares,
* millimeters, millimeters/hour, and km/hr.
* The SW card sets up the interface files to be used or created.
* There is one output file (#9) that will contain the time series
* of flows and pollutant loads for subsequent blocks.
SW 1 0 9
* The MM card opens the scratch files to be used by different subroutines.
* Up to 8 scratch files are required by the Runoff Block.
MM 8 1 2 3 10 11 12 13
* The @ command is used to permanently save an interface or
* scratch file. This line should be placed before the first SWMM
* block call. The format of the @ command is as follows:
*Column 1 Unit number of the Name of the interface
* interface file saved file (any valid DOS filename),
* or utilized including optional path.
*Column 1
* $ANUM ==> Use alphanumeric labels for subcatchment and channel/pipe
* Names (IDs) must be enclosed in single quotes. A maximum length
* of 6 characters for a label is recommended. Longer names (max
* of 8 characters) may not print out correctly but will
* be input OK.
*Column 1
* $NOQUOTE ==> Omit on-screen and printed literary quotations in SWMM output.
$RUNOFF Call the RUNOFF block with a '$' in first column.
* Create title lines for the simulation. There are two title lines
* for the Runoff Block. Titles are enclosed in single quotes.
* A1 Line :
* Title : Two lines (both with A1 identifier) with heading
* to be printed on output.
* Each line has format A76 (76 characters, maximum).
A1 'RUNOFF example: parabolic channels, groundwater, water quality'
A1 'Lake modeled as a wide parabolic channel with outlet weir'
* The 'B' lines are for program control purposes.
* B1 Line :
* METRIC : Metric input-output.
* = 0, Use U.S. customary units
* = 1, Use metric units. Metric input indicated
* in brackets [] in remainder of this table.
* ISNOW : Snowmelt parameter.
* = 0, Snowmelt not simulated.
* = 1, Single event snowmelt simulation.
* = 2, Continuous snowmelt simulation.
* NRGAG : Number of hyetographs (rain gages),
* Maximum is limited by MAXRG parameter in Tapes.inc
* INFILM : Choice of infiltration equation
* = 0, Horton equation used.
* = 1, Green-Ampt equation used.
* = 2, Horton equation with maximum infiltration
* volume limiting infiltration.
* In this version, the available infiltration volume for the
* Horton option will recover during dry periods.
* = 3, Green-Ampt equation with maximum infiltration
* volume limiting infiltration.
* In this version, 3 for G-A can only be used for single
* event simulation as the infiltration volume is not
* regenerated during dry periods.
* KWALTY : Quality (or erosion) simulated?
* = 0, No.
* = 1, Yes.
* IVAP : Evaporation parameter
* = 0, Evaporation data not read in,
* default rate used of 0.1 in/day [3.0 mm/day].
* = 1, Read monthly evaporation data in Group F1
* in units of inch/day [mm/day].
* = 2, Read monthly evaporation data in Group F1
* in units of inch/month [mm/month].
* = 3, Read monthly evaporation data on lines
* F1 and F2,
* in units of inch/month [mm/month].
* = 4, Read evaporation time series on NSCRAT(3)
* file as created by the TEMP Block of SWMM.
* NOTE! If it is desired to have no (zero) evaporation
* during time steps when it is raining or snowing, input
* IVAP as a negative number, i.e., IVAP = -1, -2, -3
* or -4 instead of a positive number. This option can
* only be used if IVAP not equal to 0. If IVAP < 0,
* there will be zero surface or subsurface evaporation
* during any time step with rain or snow on that
* subcatchment and zero evaporation from all channel/
* pipes if there is rain or snow on any subcatchment.
* Normal evaporation continues when precipitation = 0.
* NHR : Hour of day of start of storm (24 hour clock,
* midnight = 00).
* NMN : Minute of hour of start of storm (0 - 59).
* NDAY : Day of month of start of simulation ( 1 - 31).
* MONTH : Month of start of simulation (1 - 12).
* IYRSTR : Year of start of simulation (4 digits).
* If less than 4 digits are entered, then
* program assumes 1900.
* Optional input to control evaporation on
* channels but does not need to be entered.
* If not entered or 0, then the default is to allow
* evaporation as controlled by IVAP.
* IF 1 then evaporation is never allowed from channels.
* IVCHAN : 0 - Allow evaporation from channels.
* : 1 - Don't allow evaporation from channels.
B1 0 0 1 1 1 1 00 0 1 10 1989
* B2 Line :
* IPRN(1) : Print control for SWMM input.
* = 0, Print all input data.
* = 1, Do not print channel/pipe, snowmelt,
* subcatchment, or quality data, only control
* information is printed.
* = K, where K equals possible combinations of
* channel/pipe(2), snowmelt(3), subcatchment(4),
* or water quality(5). For example:
* Channel/pipe + subcatchment would be 24,
* Channel/pipe + subcatchment + quality would be 245.
* IPRN(2) : Print control for Runoff Block graphs.
* = 0, Plot all graphs.
* = 1, Do not plot hyetograph(s) (for each gage),
* or inlet hydrograph (sum of all inlets).
* IPRN(3) : Print control for output of SWMM. 'Totals'
* below refer to precipitation, runoff and all
* quality parameters. Done for each inlet. Daily,
* monthly, and yearly printouts only function if
* simulation is long enough.
* = 0, Do not print daily, monthly, or yearly totals.
* = 1, Monthly and annual totals only, one year
* per page.
* = 2, Daily, monthly and annual totals, two months
* per page. Daily totals are printed whenever
* there is non-zero precipitation and/or runoff.
* The following parameter is truly optional and may
* be omitted from line B2 without an error.
* IRPNGW = 0, Print up to 10,000 ground water routine error
* messages.
* > 0, Print limit of IPRNGW ground water routine
* error messages.
B2 0 0 1
* The B3 line contains time step and duration-of-run parameters.
* The program starts at date/time indicated on line B1. It then
* uses time steps WET, WETDRY and DRY to simulate to an ending date/time
* specified by parameter LONG.
* B3 Line :
* WET : Wet time step (seconds). WET must be => 1 second.
* Typical: 60-300-900 sec for event simulation; 900
* or 3600 sec for continuous simulation. WET time
* step is used only during time steps with precip.
* WETDRY : Transition (no rain but water on surface or in
* channels) between wet and dry time step (seconds).
* WETDRY is used during 1) residual overland flow
* (no precipitation), 2) residual channel/pipe flow,
* 3) snowmelt, 4) groundwater outflow to channel/
* pipes. WETDRY should be greater than or equal
* to WET and less than or equal to DRY.
* Typical: = WET for event simulation; 3600 - 7200
* for continuous simulation.
* Note, decrease WETDRY toward WET for better
* resolution and lower continuity errors, but at
* the expense of greater computer time during
* continuous simulation.
* DRY : Dry time step (seconds). DRY must be greater
* than or equal to WET. Typical: = WET for event
* simulation; 7200 - 86400 sec for continuous
* simulation. DRY time step principally affects
* groundwater ET and deep percolation and residual
* surface evaporation and infiltration.
* Note: DRY and WETDRY time steps are only approximated during
* time intervals with no precipitation. Thus, print-outs may
* occur at intervals that do not correspond exactly to DRY
* or WETDRY.
* LUNIT : Units of LONG (simulation length).
* = 0, seconds. = 1, minutes.
* = 2, hours. = 3, days.
* = 4, ending date, a eight figure number
* (year/mo/dy), e.g. 19870730.
* If year is two digits, program assumes 1900.
* LONG : Simulation length (units from LUNIT). A real
* number, not an integer.
B3 600. 1200.0 7200. 3 6.0
* B4 is an optional data group. The B4 data group is used only when the
* user desires to modify one of SWMM's subcatchment default parameters.
* B4 Line :
* PCTZER : Percent of impervious area with zero detention
* (immediate runoff). Default = 25%.
* REGEN : For continuous SWMM, infiltration capacity is
* regenerated using a Horton type exponential rate
* constant equal to REGEN*DECAY, where DECAY is the
* Horton rate constant read in for each subcatchment
* in group H1. Default = 0.01. Not required for
* Green-Ampt infiltration.
* Use line C1 to input general snow input data.
* If ISNOW = 0 in group B1, skip to group D1.
* C1 Line :
* ELEV : Average watershed elevation, ft, msl [m, msl].
* FWFRAC(1) : Ratio of free water holding capacity to snow depth
* (in. or mm w.e.= water equivalent) on snow
* covered impervious area.
* FWFRAC(2) : Ratio of free water holding capacity to snow depth
* (in. or mm w.e.) on snow covered pervious area.
* Note: The following parameters are required only for ISNOW=2.
* FWFRAC(3) : Ratio of free water holding capacity to snow depth
* (in. or mm w.e.) for snow on normally bare
* impervious area.
* SNOTMP : Dividing temperature between snow and rain,
* F [C]. Precipitation occurring at air
* temperatures above this value will be rain,
* at or below will be snow.
* SCF : Snow gage catch correction factor.
* Snow depths computed from NWS precipitation tape
* will be multiplied by this value.
* TIPM : Weight used to compute antecedent temperature index,
* 0 <= TIPM <= 1.0. Low values (e.g., 0.1) give
* more weight to past temperatures. Values > 0.5
* essentially give weight to temperatures only
* during the past day.
* RNM : Ratio of negative melt coefficient to melt
* coefficient. "Negative melt coefficient" is used
* when snow is warming or cooling below the base melt
* temperature without producing liquid melt. RNM is
* usually <= 1.0 with a typical value of 0.6.
* ANGLAT : Average latitude of watershed, degrees north.
* DTLONG : Longitude correction, standard time minus
* mean solar time, minutes (of time).
* Use line C2 to input average Monthly Wind Speeds. Enter pairs of values
* (month number, wind speed) only for months with potential snow
* melt. Enter values for months in any order. Months not entered
* are assumed to have zero wind.
* C2 Line :
* NUMB : Enter number of months with wind speed data.
* (Maximum = 12)
* [NOTE. Option on page 69 of User's Manual to
* set NUMB = 999 to indicate NOAA wind data is
* not valid. Use ISNOW=2 to indicate use of
* NOAA data on NSCRAT(3) from Temp Block.]
* MONTH : Integer number of first month.
* WIND(MONTH): Average wind speed for first month, mi/hr [km/hr].
* . .
* MONTH : Integer number of last month.
* WIND(MONTH): Average wind speed for last month, mi/hr [km/hr].
* Use line C3 to input Areal Depletion Curve for Impervious Area.
* C3 Line :
* ADCI(1) : Fraction of area covered by snow (ASC) at "zero+"
* ratio of snow depth to depth at 100 percent
* cover (AWESI).
* ADCI(2) : Value of ASC for AWESI = 0.1.
* ADCI(3) : Value of ASC for AWESI = 0.2.
* . .
* ADCI(9) : Value of ASC for AWESI = 0.8.
* ADCI(10) : Value of ASC for AWESI = 0.9.
* Note: Program automatically assigns value of ADCI=1.0 when AWESI = 1.0.
* Use the C4 line to define an Areal Depletion Curve for Pervious Area.
* C4 Line :
* ADCP(1) : Fraction of area covered by snow (ASC) at "zero+"
* ratio of snow depth to depth at 100 percent cover
* (AWESI).
* ADCP(2) : Value of ASC for AWESI = 0.1.
* ADCP(3) : Value of ASC for AWESI = 0.2.
* . .
* ADCP(9) : Value of ASC for AWESI = 0.8.
* ADCP(10) : Value of ASC for AWESI = 0.9.
* Note: Program automatically assigns value of ADCP = 1.0 when AWESI = 1.0.
* For ISNOW = 2 (continuous SWMM), air temperatures are entered
* in the Temp Block. For ISNOW = 1, read an air temperature for each
* time interval DTAIR, for a total of NAIRT values. (Maximum number
* of values = 200. If more are needed, use ISNOW = 2 option.) DTAIR,
* the time step of air temperatures, is not necessarily equal to the
* time steps entered on data group B1. Air temperatures are considered
* constant over the air time step.
* C5 Line :
* DTAIR : Time interval for input of air temperatures,
* hours. First line only.
* NAIRT : Number of air temperatures read. First line only.
* TAIR(1) : Air temperature during time interval 1, F [C].
* . .
* TAIR(NAIRT): Air temperature during time interval NAIRT, F [C].
* Line D1 is the first rainfall control line.
* D1 Line :
* ROPT : Precipitation input option.
* = 0, Read NRGAG hyetographs on E1, E2 and E3
* data groups. (Rain data can be saved permanently
* on NSCRAT(1) using the @ function.)
* = 1, Read processed precipitation file on NSCRAT(1)
* file [not JIN!]. This file is either from the Rain
* Block (earlier saved JOUT file) or from a previous
* run of the Runoff Block (earlier saved NSCRAT(1)
* file). Unless blocks are run as part of a single
* overall SWMM run, access to earlier saved files is
* through the @ function described at the beginning
* of this file.
D1 0
* Line E1 is the second rainfall control line.
* E1 Line :
* KTYPE : Type of precipitation input. Precipitation
* is in units of in./hr [mm/hr] for THISTO minutes or
* hours. Use variable KTIME to select units of time.
* = 0, Read KINC precipitation values per line.
* = 1, Read KINC time and precipitation pairs per line.
* = 2, Read time and NRGAG precipitation values per line.
* KINC : Number of precipitation values or time/precipitation
* pairs per line. Enter any number if KTYPE = 2.
* KPRINT : Print control for precipitation input.
* = 0, Print all precipitation input.
* = 1, Suppress all but summary of precipitation input.
* KTHIS : Variable THISTO option. Data input on E2 lines.
* = 0, precipitation interval (THISTO) is constant.
* = K, where K is the number of variable precipitation
* intervals entered on the E2 data group lines.
* Precipitation values outside the time frame
* of any variable rainfall interval uses THISTO
* as the precipitation interval.
* KTIME : Precipitation time units.
* = 0, time in minutes.
* = 1, time in hours.
* KPREP : Precipitation unit type.
* = 0, intensity, in./hr [mm/hr].
* = 1, total precipitation volume over
* the interval, in. [mm]
* NHISTO : Number of data points for each hyetograph.
* THISTO : Time interval between values (and duration of
* precipitation value), units of KTIME.
* TZRAIN : Initial time of day of precipitation input, units
* of KTIME, or off-set time added to times entered
* in groups E2 and E3. (If first time entered in
* groups E2 and/or E3 is 0.0, TZRAIN will ordinarily
* correspond to time of start of storm entered on
* group B1.)
* Caution. When precipitation times are not included
* with rainfall values, TZERO will usually correspond
* to time of day of start of storm entered on line B1
* or else there is a danger that rainfall times may
* not overlap with simulation times and zero runoff
* will result.
E1 1 1 0 0 1 1 24 1.0 0.0
* Line E2 lists the variable rainfall interval information.
* Required only if KTHIS > 0. Enter variable precipitation intervals,
* for a total of KTHIS intervals. Do not repeat the E2 line identifier
* after the first line. (Wrap around, leaving at least the first column
* blank in each succeeding row.) This data group is used
* to interleave rainfall records of differing intervals, for example, a
* period of 5 minute rainfall between periods of 15 minute rainfall.
* E2 Line :
* WTHIS(1,1) : Start time for first variable precipitation
* interval. Units of KTIME.
* WTHIS(1,2) : End time for first variable precipitation
* interval. Units of KTIME.
* WTHIS(1,3) : Length of THISTO for the first precipitation
* interval. Units of KTIME.
* . .
* WTHIS(KTHIS,1): Start time for last variable precipitation
* interval. Units of KTIME.
* WTHIS(KTHIS,2): End time for last variable precipitation
* interval. Units of KTIME.
* WTHIS(KTHIS,3): Length of THISTO for the last precipitation
* interval. Units of KTIME.
* Use line E3 to input precipitation input. Input is a function
* of the parameter KTYPE on data group E1.
* Note: If ISNOW = 1, snowfall during a time step may be entered as
* a negative value. Units are in. [mm] water equivalent/hr.
* Precipitation input if KTYPE = 0.
* KINC precipitation values per line, up to NHISTO values.
* Repeat group E3 for each hyetograph, up to NRGAG times.
* Note, you must include the E3 identifier at the beginning of each
* group of KINC rainfall entries. An individual line of KINC entries
* may be "wrapped around," but each new line of KINC entries must include
* the E3 identifier.
* E3 Line :
* RAIN(1) : Rainfall intensity, first interval, in./hr [mm/hr].
* . .
* RAIN(KINC) : Rainfall intensity, last interval per line,
* in./hr [mm/hr].
* Precipitation input if KTYPE = 1.
* Read KINC pairs per line, up to NHISTO values.
* Repeat group E3 for each hyetograph, up to NRGAG times.
* E3 Line :
* REIN(1) : Time of first precipitation. Units of KTIME.
* REIN(2) : Precipitation in./hr [mm/hr], for first interval.
* . .
* REIN(2*KINC-1): Time of last precipitation. Units of KTIME.
* REIN(2*KINC) : Precipitation for last interval, in./hr [mm/hr].
* Precipitation input if KTYPE = 2.
* Read NRGAG precipitation values per line. Repeat NHISTO times.
* E3 Line :
* REIN(1) : Time of precipitation. Units of KTIME.
* REIN(2) : Precipitation, first raingage, in./hr [mm/hr].
* . .
* REIN(NRGAG+1) : Precipitation, last raingage, in./hr [mm/hr].
E3 0.0 0.5
E3 1.0 1.0
E3 2.0 0.2
E3 10.0 0.4
E3 11.0 0.2
E3 20.0 0.1
E3 21.0 0.2
E3 22.0 0.3
E3 23.0 0.1
E3 30.0 1.5
E3 40.0 0.2
E3 41.0 0.2
E3 42.0 0.2
E3 50.0 2.0
E3 60.0 0.5
E3 61.0 0.4
E3 63.0 0.2
E3 64.0 0.1
E3 120.0 0.2
E3 121.0 0.3
E3 122.0 0.4
E3 123.0 0.2
E3 124.0 0.1
E3 125.0 0.1
* Use the F1 line to input evaporation data if IVAP >= 1 on group B1.
* F1 Line :
* Note, units depend on value of IVAP. This example is for IVAP = 1.
* VAP(1) : Evaporation rate for month 1 (January)
* in./day [mm/day].
* . .
* VAP(12) : Evaporation rate for month 12 (December)
* in./day [mm/day].
F1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1
* Use the F1 and F2 lines to input evaporation data if
* IVAP = 3 on data group B1.
* F1 line :
* Only for IVAP = 3:
* NVAP(1) : Start year of evaporation data (4-digit integer)
* If less than 4 digits are entered program assumes 1900.
* NVAP(2) : Number of months of evaporation data to be
* entered (maximum = 600). First month must be for January.
* NVAP(1) NVAP(2)
*F1 80 120
* Line F2: Read 12 monthly values per line to a maximum of 600 values.
*F2 1.1 2.6 2.5 4.0 5.1 6.7 6.0 4.9 4.0 3.1 2.3 0.9
*F2 0.9 2.1 2.8 4.5 4.8 6.3 6.0 5.4 3.8 3.5 1.5 0.5
*F2 1.2 1.3 2.1 3.4 3.5 7.0 5.5 5.6 3.2 2.8 2.2 1.1
*F2 0.5 0.9 3.2 4.1 4.6 6.1 6.2 5.8 2.9 3.2 1.8 0.7
*F2 0.8 0.9 2.4 4.2 4.7 5.7 5.8 5.9 4.4 3.1 1.7 0.8
*F2 1.3 2.4 2.5 4.0 5.1 6.7 6.0 4.5 4.0 3.1 2.3 0.9
*F2 0.7 2.1 2.8 4.2 4.8 6.3 6.0 5.4 3.8 3.5 1.5 0.6
*F2 1.2 1.3 2.1 3.4 3.5 7.0 5.5 5.6 3.2 2.6 2.2 1.1
*F2 0.6 0.9 3.2 4.1 4.4 6.1 6.2 5.8 2.9 3.2 1.8 0.6
*F2 0.9 1.6 2.4 4.2 4.7 5.7 5.2 5.9 4.4 3.1 1.7 0.5
* Rainfall-Dependent Infiltration/Inflow (RDII or I/I) Data, Lines F3 and F4.
* New, 9/4/93. Chuck Moore
* Camp, Dresser and McKee, Inc., Annandale, VA
* These lines, plus H5 lines, define triangular unit hydrographs (UH)
* to compute subcatchment I/I response from rainfall record on NSCRAT(1).
* The response is computed before the time step simulation and stored on
* NSCRAT(8) (required if this I/I procedure is used).
* An initial abstraction of up to DSTORE in [mm] is subtracted from
* rainfall before computing rainfall excess at each time step. The
* initial abstraction is regenerated during dry weather at a rate of
* DREC in/day [mm/day].
* Up to five sets of three triangular UHs may be input in the F4 lines.
* Any subcatchment may use a fraction (defined on H5 lines) of flow
* produced from each of three UHs selected from any of the up to
* five sets input on the F4 lines.
* The triangles are defined by TP = time to peak and K = ratio of recession
* limb to TP, so that the time base = TP*(1+K). Peak flow, Qp, is then
* calculated in the program so that the volume (area) of the triangle =
* 1 cfs/ac-in or 1 cms/ha-mm.
* Three triangles may be used (all starting at the same time) so that
* one may define a fast response, one a delayed response, and one a
* lengthy response, if desired.
* The time step TSTEP (UH duration) must equal the rainfall time
* step (THISTO). Rainfall can be input on the E-lines as usual, or
* rainfall already stored on NSCRAT(1) may be used, i.e., from prior
* Runoff or Rain Block runs.
* Time step TSTEP2 is the time step used for computation of the UH
* response and should be an integer fraction of (or equal to) TSTEP.
* TSTEP2 = WET time step in the Runoff Block is a good idea.
* There is a limit of 300 UH points for a given rainfall increment. An
* error message is printed if this is exceeded, which can be caused by
* too long a time base and too short a value of TSTEP2.
* The RDII routine is designed to be compatible with the variable time
* step used in the Runoff Block. Values of I/I are linearly interpolated
* from the file on NSCRAT(8) at each time during the simulation.
* H5 lines may be entered only for desired subcatchments.
* If quality is simulated, constant concentrations for I/I are entered
* on data line J6.
* Lines F3 and F4 are optional and may be omitted.
* F3 Line : Line identifier
* IIRDII : = 0, compute new I/I response from rainfall and
* store on NSCRAT(8).
* = 1, use I/I response already calculated during previous
* run. (NSCRAT(8) must be defined on @-line)
* TSTEP : Time interval for rainfall, hr. (Must equal value from
* E-lines or from Rain Block.) TSTEP is the duration of
* each of the three UHs.
* TSTEP2 : Time step for computation of I/I response, hr. Must be
* equal to or integer fraction of TSTEP.
F3 0 1.0 0.25
* Enter up to five F4 lines, with identifier.
* F4 Line : Line identifier
* NRDHYET : Number of hyetograph (rain gage) to use for these
* triangular UHs.
* RDIIT : Time to peak of triangular UH, hr.
* RDIIK : Ratio of recession limb to time to peak.
* DSTORE : Maximum initial abstraction, to compute rainfall excess for
* UH, in. [mm].
* STORAGE : Initial storage (max = DSTORE), in. [mm].
* DREC : Recovery rate for storage (initial abstraction) during dry
* time steps, in./day [mm/day].
* IF NRDHYET is entered as a negative number, the values on the
* first F4 card are for January. The program then reads
* 11 additional F4 cards with only the parameters RDIIT, RDIIK,
* DSTORE, STORAGE, and DREC for each month. Storage is
* used only for the first timestep.
* show input for monthly factors
F4 -1 1.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 3.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05
F4 1.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 3.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05
F4 1.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 3.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05
F4 1.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 3.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05
F4 1.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 3.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05
F4 1.0 2.0 0.2 0.1 0.05 3.0 2.0 0.2 0.1 0.05 10.0 2.0 1.5 0.1 0.05
F4 1.0 2.0 0.3 0.1 0.05 3.0 2.0 0.3 0.1 0.05 10.0 2.0 1.9 0.1 0.05
F4 1.0 2.0 0.3 0.1 0.05 3.0 2.0 0.3 0.1 0.05 10.0 2.0 1.9 0.1 0.05
F4 1.0 2.0 0.3 0.1 0.05 3.0 2.0 0.3 0.1 0.05 10.0 2.0 1.5 0.1 0.05
F4 1.0 2.0 0.2 0.1 0.05 3.0 2.0 0.2 0.1 0.05 10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05
F4 1.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 3.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05
F4 1.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 3.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05
* slower response
F4 1 2.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 4.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 15.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05
* even slower response
F4 1 4.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 5.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05 20.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05
* Enter Channel/Pipe data on line G1.
* Channel/pipe data: one line per channel/pipe (if none, leave out).
* Maximum number of channels or pipes plus inlets is defined by parameter
* NG on the 'TAPES.INC' common. An inlet is any location identified by NGTO
* on a G1 or H1 line that is not listed in group G1 as a channel or pipe.
* All inlets (and only these inlets) are saved on the output interface
* file, if JOUT > 0.
* Note: Variables with asterisks can be modified using the Default/Ratio
* option. A -1 entered for NAMEG means non-zero entries for data with
* asterisks are ratios, by which subsequent entries for those parameters
* will be multiplied. E.g., enter a ratio of 1.2 to increase all
* parameters by 20%. A -2 entered for NAMEG means non-zero entries for
* data with asterisks are default values. If a data line has a zero for
* a parameter for which a default value has been defined, the parameter
* is assigned this value. As many ratio and default lines may be inserted
* as desired within a data group. Of course, if the alphanumeric option
* is being used, the -1 or -2 should be enclosed in single quotes, e.g.,
* '-1' or '-2'.
* G1 Line :
* NAMEG : Channel/pipe number or name.
* NGTO : Channel/pipe or inlet number or name for drainage.
* NPG=NP : Type of channel or pipe.
* = 1 for trapezoidal channel,
* = 2 for circular pipe,
* = 3 for dummy channel/pipe, inflow = outflow,
* = 4 for parabolic channel,
* = 5 for trapezoidal channel with weir or orifice
* (follow with G2 data group),
* = 6 for circular pipe with weir or orifice
* (follow with G2 data group), and
* = 7 for parabolic channel with weir or orifice
* (follow with G2 data group).
* The following parameters are not used if NP = 3.
* GWIDTH* : Bottom width of trapezoidal channel, diameter.
* of pipe, or top width of parabolic channel, ft [m].
* GLEN* : Length of channel/pipe, ft [m].
* G3* : Invert slope, ft/ft (dimensionless).
* GS1 : Left-hand side slope, ft/ft. (Slope = horiz./vert.).
* GS2 : Right-hand side slope, ft/ft.
* G6* : Manning's roughness coefficient.
* DFULL* : Depth of channel when full, ft [m].
* (N.R. if NP equals 2, 3, or 6)
* GDEPTH* : Starting depth of pipe/channel, ft [m].
*G1 -1 0 0 0 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0
*G1 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.020 0 0
G1 20 2 2 3.0 1000. 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.020 0.0 0.0
G1 30 2 1 10.0 500. 0.01 5.00 4.00 0.030 8.0 0.0
G1 1 2 4 20.0 5000. 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.020 10.0 0.0
*Note, initial water level below weir crest.
G1 2 3 7 500.0 2000. 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.020 10.0 2.5
* Enter control structure data on line G2.
* Note: A G2 data group must follow a G1 line if NPG is greater than 4.
* Then continue with further G1 lines and/or G1-G2 pairs.
* G2 Line :
* WTYPE : Type of weir/orifice,
* = 0, Broad or narrow crested weir,
* = 1, V-notched weir, or
* = 2, Orifice.
* WELEV : Elevation of weir (bottom of notch for V-notch) or
* of orifice centerline, referenced to bottom of
* channel/pipe, ft [m].
* WDIS : Discharge coefficient of the weir or orifice
* (parameter C in equations 4-5, 4-6, 4-7). Units
* for equations 4-5 or 4-6: ft1/2/sec [m1/2/sec].
* Parameter Cd in equation 4-7 is dimensionless.
* SPILL : Weir length (e.g., width of spillway) for a broad
* or narrow crested weir, ft [m]. The angle (degrees)
* of the notch for a V-notch weir. The cross
* sectional area of the outflow orifice, ft2 [m2].
G2 0 3.0 3.3 10.0
* Enter Subcatchment Data on line H1. Repeat for each subcatchment
* (Maximum of NW different subcatchments).
* Note: Variables with asterisks can be modified using
* the Default/Ratio option. If any of H2-H5 lines follow for
* this subcatchment, must have a non-ratio/default line follow
* this ratio/default line. That is, cannot have H1 ratio/default
* line followed immediately by H2 or H5 line.
* H1 Line :
* JK : Hyetograph number (based on the order
* in which they are input, in Group E3).
* NAMEW : Subcatchment number or name.
* NGTO : Channel/pipe or inlet (manhole) number for drainage.
* WW(1)* : Width of subcatchment, ft [m].
* This term actually refers to the physical width of
* overland flow in the subcatchment and may be estimated
* as illustrated in the text or by ratio of subcatchment
* area to average length of overland flow.
* WAREA* : Area of subcatchment, acres [ha].
* WW(3)* : Percent imperviousness of subcatchment,
* (percent hydraulically effective or directly
* connected impervious area).
* WSLOPE* : Ground slope, ft/ft (dimensionless).
* WW(5)* : Impervious area Manning's roughness.
* WW(6)* : Pervious area Manning's roughness.
* WSTORE1* : Impervious area depression storage, in. [mm].
* WSTORE2* : Pervious area depression storage, in. [mm].
* Last three parameters on line H1 if Horton equation
* is used, INFILM = 0 on data group B1.
* WLMAX* : Maximum initial infiltration rate, in./hr [mm/hr].
* WLMIN* : Minimum (asymptotic) infiltration rate, in./hr [mm/hr].
* DECAY* : Decay rate of infiltration in Horton's equation, 1/sec.
* Last three parameters on line H1 if Green-Ampt equation
* is used, INFILM = 1 on group B1.
* SUCT* : Average capillary suction, in. [mm] of water.
* HYDCON* : Saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil,
* in./hr [mm/hr].
* SMDMAX* : Initial moisture deficit for soil, volume
* air/volume voids (fraction).
* IF INFILM = 2 or 3, the maximum infiltration volume is entered
* as the last variable on the H1 line.
* Only needed for INFILM = 2 or 3.
* RMAXINF : Maximum infiltration volume, in. [mm] of water.
H1 1 100 1 100.0 300. 20.0 .001 .04 .30 .05 .10 4.00 1.00 .34 5.0
* Input Groundwater Subcatchment Data on lines H2, H3 and H4.
* Data groups H2, H3, and H4 describe the groundwater portion of the
* subcatchment. They should follow the correct H1 data group line. There
* are a maximum of NGW subcatchments with groundwater simulation allowed.
* Note: Variables with asterisks can be modified using the
* the Default/Ratio option. Indicator variable is NMSUB. Be sure
* to include all three H2-H4 lines if entering Default/Ratio data.
* H2 Line :
* NMSUB : Subsurface subcatchment indicator variable,
* must be same as preceding NAMEW on H1 line.
* NGWGW : Number or name of inlet, channel or pipe for
* subsurface drainage. Does not have to be the
* same as preceding NGTO for surface runoff.
* ISFPF : Indicator variable for saving soil moisture,
* water table elevation and outflow for printing.
* = 0, do not save subsurface information, or
* = 1, save subsurface information for printing.
* ISFGF : Indicator variable for saving soil moisture,
* water table elvation and outflow for graphing.
* = 0, do not save subsurface information, or
* = 1, save subsurface information for graphing.
* Note: See Figure X-1 for definition of elevation variables.
* BELEV* : Elevation of bottom of water table aquifer, ft [m].
* GRELEV* : Elevation of ground surface, ft [m].
* STG* : Elevation of initial water table stage, ft [m].
* BC* : Elevation of channel bottom or threshold stage
* for groundwater flow, ft [m].
* TW* : Channel water influence parameter
* >= BC, average elevation of water in channel
* or pipe over run, ft [m] or,
* < 0, (e.g., -1) channel water influence will be
* determined by depth in channel or pipe at the end
* of the previous time step.
H2 100 1 1 0 0.0 20.0 5.00 5.00 5.00
* Input Groundwater Flow Coefficients And Exponents from
* (Equations X-24 and X-25) on line H3.
* H3 Line :
* A1* : Groundwater flow coefficient, in/hr-ft^B1 [mm/hr-m^B1].
* B1* : Groundwater flow exponent, dimensionless.
* A2* : Coefficient for channel water influence,
* in/hr-ft^B2 [mm/hr-m^B2].
* B2* : Exponent for channel water influence, dimensionless.
* A3* : Coefficient for the cross product between groundwater
* flow and channel water, in/hr-ft^2 [mm/hr-m^2].
* POR* : Porosity expressed as a fraction.
* WP* : Wilting point expressed as a fraction.
* FC* : Field capacity expressed as a fraction.
* HKSAT* : Saturated hydraulic conductivity, in./hr [mm/hr].
* TH1* : Initial upper zone moisture expressed as a fraction.
H3 4.5E-5 2.6 0.0 1.0 0.0 .46 .15 .30 5.0 .301
* Input more groundwater parameters on line H4.
* H4 Line :
* HCO* : Hydraulic conductivity vs. moisture content
* curve-fitting parameter (Eqn. X-21), dimensionless.
* PCO* : Average slope of tension versus soil
* soil moisture curve (see Figures X-2, X-3 and
* X-4), ft/fraction [m/fraction].
* CET* : Fraction of maximum ET rate assigned to the upper zone.
* DP* : Coefficient for unquantified losses,
* (Eqn. X-23), in./hr [mm/hr].
* DET* : Maximum depth over which significant lower zone
* transpiration occurs, ft [m].
H4 10. 15. 0.35 2.E-03 14.0
* Define subcatchment response to infiltration/inflow on H5 line.
* See explanation of F3 and F4 lines for additional detail.
* Any desired subcatchment may define response parameters. Generated I/I
* will enter in channel/pipe or inlet NGTO. The sewered area defined on
* the H5 line is used, not the subcatchment area. The response is defined
* as a fraction RDIIR from each of the three triangular UHs defined on
* one of the F4 lines. The fractions do not have to sum to 1.0.
* Input H5 line only for a subcatchment for which I/I response is desired.
* Lines H1-H5 follow in groups. Do not "cluster" all H5 lines together.
* H5 Line : Line identifer
* SEWAREA : Sewered area, ac [ha]
* RDIIR(1) : Fraction of first UH response toward total I/I response.
* RDIIR(2) : Fraction of second UH response toward total I/I response.
* RDIIR(3) : Fraction of third UH response toward total I/I response.
* ICURVE : Indicator for which set of three UHs to use, from sequence
* of F4 lines. (E.g., if ICURVE = 2, use second set for
* this subcatchment.)
* If SEWAREA is entered as a negative number, then values on first H5
* line is for the month of January. Eleven additional H5 lines will then
* be read for each month of the year with the following parameters only:
H5 -100 0.03333 0.03333 0.0333 1 * January
H5 0.03333 0.03333 0.0333 * February
H5 0.03333 0.03333 0.0333 * March
H5 0.03333 0.03333 0.0333 * April
H5 0.03333 0.02222 0.0222 * May
H5 0.03333 0.02222 0.0111 * June
H5 0.03333 0.02222 0.0 * July
H5 0.03333 0.01111 0.0 * August
H5 0.03333 0.02222 0.0 * September
H5 0.03333 0.02222 0.0 * October
H5 0.03333 0.03333 0.0111 * November
H5 0.03333 0.03333 0.0222 * December
* Additional subcatchments with no subsurface data or I/I data.
H1 1 200 20 50.0 100. 30.0 .001 .04 .30 .05 .10 3.00 1.00 .34 5.0
H1 1 300 30 150.0 400. 10.0 .002 .04 .30 .05 .10 4.00 0.50 .34 5.0
* Enter Subcatchment Snow Input Data on data groups I1 and I2 (if modeled).
* Note: If ISNOW = 0, skip to group J1.
* If ISNOW = 1, read only group I1.
* If ISNOW = 2, read both groups I1 and I2, in pairs.
* Order of subcatchments must be same as in group H1, and there
* must be snow data group(s) for each H1 line. All snow-depth related
* parameters refer to depth of snow water equivalent (w.e.).
* Note: Variables with asterisks can be modified
* using the Default/Ratio option.
* I1 Line :
* JK1 : Subcatchment number or name. Must correspond to NAMEW
* entered in Group H1.
* SNN1 : Fraction of impervious area with 100 percent
* snow cover (ISNOW = 1) or subject to areal
* depletion curve (ISNOW = 2).
* SNCP(N) : Fraction of pervious area subject to 100 percent
* snow cover (ISNOW = 1). N.R. if ISNOW = 2.
* WSNOW(N,1) : Initial snow depth of impervious area that is
* normally snow covered, in. water equivalent
* [mm w.e.]
* WSNOW(N,2) : Initial snow depth on pervious area,
* in. w.e. [mm w.e.].
* FW(N,1) : Initial free water on snow covered impervious
* area, in. [mm].
* FW(N,2) : Initial free water on snow covered pervious
* area, in. [mm].
* DHMAX(N,1)* : Melt coefficient (ISNOW = 1) or maximum melt
* coefficient, occurring on June 21 (ISNOW = 2)
* for snow covered impervious area,
* in. w.e./hr-F [mm w.e./hr-C].
* DHMAX(N,2)* : Melt coefficient (ISNOW = 1) or maximum melt
* coefficient, occurring on June 21 (ISNOW = 2)
* for snow covered pervious area,
* in. w.e./hr-F [mm w.e./hr-C].
* TBASE(N,1)* : Snow melt base temperature for snow covered
* impervious area, F [C].
* TBASE N,2)* : Snow melt base temperature for snow covered
* pervious area, F [C].
* Enter Subcatchment Snow Input Data on data group I2 if ISNOW = 2.
* I2 Line :
* JK2 : Subcatchment number or name. Must correspond to JK1
* on Line I1 and NAMEW in Group H1.
* WSNOW(N,3) : Initial snow depth on impervious area that is
* normally bare, in. [mm].
* FW(N,3) : Initial free water on impervious area that is
* normally bare, in. [mm].
* DHMAX(N,3)* : Maximum melt coefficient occurring on June 21,
* for snow on normally bare impervious area,
* in. w.e./hr-F [mm w.e./hr-C].
* TBASE(N,3)* : Snow melt base temperature for normally bare
* impervious area, F [C].
* DHMIN(N,1)* : Minimum melt coefficient occurring on December 21
* for snow covered impervious area, in. w.e./hr-F
* [mm w.e./hr-C].
* DHMIN(N,2)* : Minimum melt coefficient occurring on December 21
* for snow covered pervious area, in. w.e./hr-F
* [mm w.e./hr-C].
* DHMIN(N,3)* : Minimum melt coefficient occurring on December 21
* for snow on normally bare impervious area,
* in. w.e./hr-F [mm w.e./hr-C].
* SI(N,1)* : Snow depth above which there is 100 percent cover
* on snow covered impervious areas, in. [mm] w.e.
* SI(N,2)* : Snow depth above which there is 100 percent cover
* on snow covered pervious areas, in. [mm] w.e.
* WEPLOW(N) : Redistribution (plowing) depth on normally bare
* impervious area, in. [mm] w.e. Snow above this
* depth redistributed according to fractions below.
* Note: Redistribution (plowing) fractions (see Figure 4-25). Snow above
* WEPLOW in. [mm] w.e. on normally bare impervious area will be
* transferred to area(s) indicated below. The five fractions should
* sum to 1.0.
* SFRAC(N,1) : Fraction transferred to snow covered impervious area.
* SFRAC(N,2) : Fraction transferred to snow covered pervious area.
* SFRAC(N,3) : Fraction transferred to snow covered pervious area
* in last catchment.
* SFRAC(N,4) : Fraction transferred out of watershed.
* SFRAC(N,5) : Fraction converted to immediate melt on
* normally bare impervious area.
* IF KWALTY = 0 on data group B1 skip to data group M1.
* Optional input of multiple land uses per subcatchment.
* IMUL is a variable to trigger multiple land uses
* per subcatchment. Any value > 0 will cause the
* model to use JLAND land uses per subcatchment.
* CAUTION: IMUL > 0 requires input on L2 lines
* for each subcatchment, even if JLAND = 1.
* ALSO, if IMUL > 0 and JLAND > 1, read JLAND J3 lines
* for each constituent.
JJ 1
* Enter General Quality Control on data group J1.
* J1 Line :
* NQS : Number of quality constituents. Maximum is controlled
* by parameter statement but should generally be limited to
* 20. NQS must be one less than maximum if erosion is simulated
* (IROS = 1).
* JLAND : Number of land uses (Maximum controlled by NLU paramter
* in TAPES.INC).
* IROS : Erosion simulation parameter
* = 0, Erosion not simulated.
* = 1, Erosion of suspended solids simulated using
* the Universal Soil Loss Equation. Parameters input
* in Group K1. Output will be last quality constituent
* (i.e., constituent NQS+1).
* IROSAD : Option to add erosion constituent to constituent
* number IROSAD. E.g., if IROSAD = 3, erosion will
* be added to constituent 3 (perhaps suspended solids).
* No addition if IROSAD = 0. N.R. if IROS = 0.
* DRYDAY : Number of dry days prior to start of storm.
* CBVOL : Average individual catchbasin storage volume, ft3 [m3].
* DRYBSN : Dry days required to recharge catchbasin concentrations
* to initial values (CBFACT on group J3). Must be > 0.
* RAINIT : For erosion, highest average 30-minute rainfall
* intensity during the year (continuous SWMM) or during
* the storm (single event), in./hr [mm/hr].
* N.R. if IROS = 0.
* The next three parameters are for modeling street sweeping.
* KLNBGN and KLNEND are only used if the simulation is greater
* than one month.
* REFFDD : Street sweeping efficiency (removal)
* fraction) for "dust and dirt."
* KLNBGN : Day of year on which street sweeping
* begins (e.g. March 1 = 60).
* KLNEND : Day of year on which street sweeping
* stops (e.g. Nov. 30 = 334)
J1 4 2 1 0 5.00 2.0 1.00 0.30 0.50 0 0
* Enter JLAND (from data group J1) Land Use data lines. One line for
* each land use. Land use 1 will be that of first group, land use 2 will be
* that of the second group etc.
* Note: Variables with asterisks can be modified
* using the Default/Ratio option.
* J2 Line :
* LNAME(J) : Name of Land use.
* METHOD(J) : Buildup equation type for 'dust and dirt'(see text).
* = -2, New default values,
* = -1, New ratios,
* = 0, Power-linear,
* = 1, Exponential,
* = 2, Michaelis - Menten.
* JACGUT(J) : Functional dependence of buildup parameters.
* = 0, Function of subcatchment gutter length,
* = 1, Function of subcatchment area,
* = 2, Constant.
* Following are up to three buildup parameters. (See Table 4-16).
* DDLIM(J)* : Limiting buildup quantity.
* DDPOW(J)* : Power or exponent.
* DDFACT(J)* : Coefficient.
* Following are three street sweeping parameters.
* CLFREQ(J)* : Cleaning interval, days.
* AVSWP(J)* : Availability factor, fraction
* DSLCL(J)* : Days since last cleaning, DSLCL <= CLFREQ
J2 'SINGLE' 0 0 1.E04 1.0 10.0 30.0 0.80 15.0
J2 'MULTPL' 0 1 5.E04 1.5 50.0 7.0 0.80 5.0
* Enter data for quality constituent(s) on data group J3. Repeat for
* each constituent, total of NQS groups. Constituent 1 will be that of the
* first line constituent 2 that of the second line, etc.
* If IMUL > 0 (line JJ) and JLAND > 1, then read JLAND J3 lines for
* each constituent. I.e., read JLAND lines for constituent 1, followed by
* JLAND lines for constituent 2, etc. In this case, each constituent
* can have different J3 parameters for each land use. These different
* parameters will be used on each land use fraction for each subcatchment,
* as defined in data group L2.
* Note: Variables with asterisks can be modified
* using the Default/Ratio option.
* J3 Line :
* PNAME(K) : Constituent name.
* PUNIT(K) : Constituent units.
* NDIM(K) : Type of units.
* = 0, mg/l
* = 1, "Other" per liter, e.g., MPN/l or ug/l
* = 2, Other concentration units, e.g., pH, JTU
* KALC(K) : Type of buildup calculation.
* = 0, Buildup is fraction of "dust and dirt"
* for each land use.
* = 1, Power-linear constituent buildup
* = 2, Exponential constituent buildup
* = 3, Michaelis-Menten constituent buildup
* = 4, No buildup required (with KWASH = 1)
* KWASH(K) : Type of washoff calculation
* = 0, Power-exponential
* = 1, Rating curve, no upper limit (see note, below)
* = 2, Rating curve, upper limit by buildup equation
* KACGUT(K) : Functional dependence of buildup
* parameters. N.R. for KALC = 0 or 4.
* = 0, Function of subcatchment gutter length
* = 1, Function of subcatchment area
* = 2, Constant
* LINKUP(K) : Linkage to snowmelt. N.R. if ISNOW = 0 or KALC = 4.
* = 0, No linkage to snow parameters
* = 1, Constituent buildup during dry weather only when
* snow is present on impervious surface of subcatchment.
* Following are up to five buildup parameters
* (see text and Tables 4-17, 4-18).
* QFACT(1,K)* : First buildup parameter, e.g., limit.
* QFACT(2,K)* : Second buildup parameter, e.g., power or exponent.
* QFACT(3,K)* : Third buildup parameter, e.g. coefficient.
* QFACT(4,K)* : Fourth buildup parameter, N.R. if KALC > 0
* or JLAND < 4.
* QFACT(5,K)* : Fifth buildup parameter, N.R., if KALC > 0
* or JLAND < 5.
* Following are two washoff or rating curve parameters.
* WASHPO(K)* : Power (exponent) for runoff rate.
* RCOEF(K)* : Coefficient.
* CBFACT(K)* : Initial catchbasin concentration.
* (units according to NDIM).
* CONCRN(K)* : Concentration in precipitation.
* (units according to NDIM).
* REFF(K)* : Street sweeping efficiency (removal fraction)
* for this constituent.
* For rating curve, equation is Load (mg/sec) = RCOEF*FLOW^WASHPO
* where FLOW is in cfs (METRIC=0) or cms (METRIC=1). If WASHPO = 1,
* this equation can be used to get constant concentration = EMC,
* and RCOEF must include conversion coefficient of 28.316 L/ft3 or 1000 L/m3.
* Then RCOEF = EMC*conversion. See example for TN, below.
* Another way to get a constant concentration is to set rainfall
* concentration to desired EMC and zero-out buildup-washoff parameters.
* Caution for constant concentration: dilution can result from inflows of
* I/I and groundwater (but both may be set to non-zero concentrations) and
* from initial water stored in channel/pipes. Cannot set non-zero
* concentrations for latter.
* Land use 1:
J3 'TOT.SOL' 'MG/L' 0 2 0 0 0 900.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.5 100.0 2.0 0.7
* Land use 2:
J3 'TOT.SOL' 'MG/L' 0 0 0 1 0 1000. 200. 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.5 150.0 2.0 0.7
* Land use 1:
J3 ' BOD5 ' 'MG/L' 0 1 0 0 0 60.0 1.5 0.3 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.2 20.0 0.1 0.5
* Land use 2:
J3 ' BOD5 ' 'MG/L' 0 0 0 1 0 200. 70. 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.2 30.0 0.1 0.5
*Simulate Total-N by rating curve. Want constant concentration = 25 mg/L.
*Use RCOEF = 25 mg/L * 28.316 L/ft3 = 707.9, and WASHPO = 1.0
* Land use 1:
J3 ' TOT-N ' 'MG/L' 0 4 1 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 707.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
* Land use 2:
J3 ' TOT-N ' 'MG/L' 0 4 1 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 707.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
* Use rating curve data from User's Manual Fig. 4-37(e).
* Slope ~log(11/2.7)/log(1/0.1) = 0.61 = WASHPO
* At flow = 0.1 cfs, load ~ 2.7 mg/L ==>, RCOEF = 2.7/[0.1^(1/0.61)] = 118
* Land use 1:
J3 'NO2+NO3' 'MG/L' 0 4 1 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.61 118. 0.0 0.0 0.0
* Land use 2:
J3 'NO2+NO3' 'MG/L' 0 4 1 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.61 118. 0.0 0.0 0.0
* Enter data for fractional contributions from other constituents
* on data group J4. Repeat until all desired fractions are entered.
* J4 Line :
* KTO : Number (from order in Group J3) of constituent to
* which fraction will be added.
* KFROM : Number of constituent from which fraction is computed.
* F1(KTO,KFROM) : Fraction of constituent KFROM to be added
* to constituent KTO.
* [Note, these fractions will be applied for all
* land use segments if multiple land use option
* is used.]
J4 2 1 0.02
* In data group J5, enter a constant groundwater concentration for every
* water quality constituent. Same units as NDIM in data group J3.
J5 5.0 0.1 25.0 0.0
*Note, constant concentration of 25 mg/L will be maintained here, but
*concentration of NO2+NO3 will be diluted.
* In data group J6, enter a constant infiltration/inflow concentration for
* every water quality constituent. Same units as NDIM in data group J3.
* Required only if I/I option used (lines F3, F4, H5). If omitted, I/I
* is assumed to have zero concentrations.
J6 50.0 0.05 25.0 0.0
*Note, constant concentration of 25 mg/L will be maintained here, but
*concentration of NO2+NO3 will be diluted.
* Enter Erosion Data on data group K1.
* If IROS = 0 on data group J1, skip to group L1.
* Note: Repeat group K1 ONLY for each subcatchment that is subject
* to erosion computations. The order of lines is arbitrary,
* but a match must be found of subcatchment number/name with a
* value of NAMEW used in group H1.
* Note: Variables with asterisks can be modified
* using the Default/Ratio option.
* K1 Line :
* N=NAMEW : Subcatchment number or name matched with H1 line.
* ERODAR* : Area of subcatchment subject to erosion, acres [ha].
* ERLEN* : Flow distance in feet [meters] from point of
* origin of overland flow over erodible area to
* point at which runoff enters channel/pipe or inlet.
* SOILF* : Soil factor 'K'.
* CROPMF* : Cropping management factor 'C'.
* CONTPF* : Control practice factor 'P'.
K1 100 30.0 300.0 0.43 1.0 1.0
K1 200 4.0 200.0 0.43 1.0 1.0
K1 300 20.0 300.0 0.33 1.0 1.0
* Enter Subcatchment Surface Quality data on data group L1.
* One line for each subcatchment is required. The order
* is arbitrary, but a match must be found for each subcatchment
* number (NAMEW) used earlier in group H1.
* Note: Variables with asterisks can be modified
* using the Default/Ratio option.
* L1 Line :
* N=NAMEW : Subcatchment number or name.
* KL : Land use classification. 0 < KL < 5. Numbers
* correspond to input sequence of Group J2.
* Note: default value for KL = 1. If L2 lines are
* being used, still must enter a "representative"
* value for KL. Fraction data on L2 line will
* over-ride value of KL.
* BASINS(N)* : Number of catchbasins in subcatchment.
* GQLEN(N)* : Total curb length within subcatchment hundreds
* of feet [km]. May not be required depending on
* method used to calculate constituent loadings
* (Groups J2 and J3).
* The following initial constituent loading values may be input as an
* alternative to computation of loadings via methods specified in groups
* J2 and J3 (for initial conditions only). For any non-zero values
* read in, initial constituent loadings will be calculated simply by
* multiplication of the value by the subcatchment area (or fractional area
* if IMUL > 0 on line JJ). (I.e., if a loading value is entered on
* line L1, it will be apportioned over land uses with non-zero fractions.)
* "Load" has units depending on value of NDIM (Group J3),
* according to the following table:
* 0 pounds [kg]
* 1 10^6 x quantity, e.g. 10^6 MPN
* 2 10^6 x quantity x ft3,
* e.g. 10^6 pH-ft3.
* PSHED(1,N) : Initial loading, first constituent,
* load/acre [load/ha].
* . .
* PSHED(10,N) : Initial loading, tenth constituent,
* load/acre [load/ha].
* Note, line L1 below illustrates use of slash to fill in any needed
* remaining zeros automatically.
L1 100 1 12.0 20.0 /
* L2 line :
* If required, this line immediately follows each L1 line.
* Enter land use fractions for subcatchment on previous L1 line.
* Not required if IMUL = 0 on line JJ (or line JJ omitted).
* If IMUL > 0, an L2 line must follow each L1 line, even if JLAND = 1.
* The fractions on line L2 must total to exactly 1.0 (tolerance = 0.001).
* These fractions (PLAND) are used to multiply the subcatchment area
* or curb length for all buildup calculations, depending on
* parameters JACGUT (line J2) and/or KACGUT (line J3).
* Similarly, if initial loads are input on line L1, the
* quantity/area values will be multiplied by the fraction area
* for each land use. Thus, the quantity/area values in line L1 cannot
* differentiate between different land uses.
* Throughout the simulation, separate buildup and washoff parameters
* will be used for each land use fraction, as input in the multiple
* J3 lines.
* If catchbasin quality information is entered, the total catchbasin
* load for a subcatchment is the sum over the number of land uses of:
* Enter JLAND fractions. Value 1 corresponds to land use 1, etc.
* PLAND(1,N) : Fraction of subcatchment N consisting of land use 1.
* PLAND(2,N) : Fraction of subcatchment N consisting of land use 2.
* Etc. Read JLAND values of PLAND.
* Single Multiple
L2 0.7 0.3
* Additional L1/L2 lines. Must enter L1/L2 pairs for each subcatchment.
L1 200 2 20.0 30.0 /
L2 0.2 0.8
L1 300 1 6.0 10.0 /
L2 1.0 0.0
* Enter data for Channel/Inlet Print Control on data group M1.
* M1 Line :
* NPRNT : Total number of channels/pipes/inlets for which
* non-zero flows (and concentrations) are
* to be printed (maximum = NG).
* NPRNT < 0 means skip the M2 and M3 lines
* NPRNT = 12345 means print every inlet
* INTERV : Print Control.
* = 0, Print statistical summary only.
* = 1, Print every time step.
* = K, Print every K time steps.
M1 5 6
* IF NPRNT = 0 on line M1 SKIP groups M2 and M3.
* Enter Print Period information on data group M2.
* M2 Line :
* NDET : Number of detailed printout periods.
* (Maximum of 10 periods.)
* Note: If NDET = 1 and STARTP(1) = 0 and STOPPR(1) = 0 then the
* total simulation period will be printed as a default.
* STARTP(1) : First starting printout date, year, month,
* day, e.g., October 2, 1949 = 19491002.
* If year is entered as 2 digits, program assumes 1900.
* STOPPR(1) : First stopping printout date.
* . .
* STARTP(NDET): Last starting date.
* STOPPR(NDET): Last stopping date.
M2 1 0 0
* Enter channel/inlet printout locations on data group M3.
* M3 Line :
* IPRNT(1) : First channel/inlet numbers or name for which flows
* and concentrations are to be printed.
* . .
* IPRNT(NPRNT): First channel/inlet numbers or name for which flows
* and concentrations are to be printed.
* Note: INflows to channel/pipes are printed as the default option. To
* print the OUTflow from a channel/pipe, give the ID as a negative
* number. A channel/pipe may be listed with both a positive and negative
* number. The negative option is not available for alphanumeric labeling.
M3 1 2 3 20 30
* Enter channel/pipe depth output locations on data group M4.
* ****NOTE: M4 line is optional and may be omitted.****
* M4 Line :
* MDEEP : Number of depth locations for printout (max = NG).
* KDEEP(1) : First conduit selected.
* . .
* KDEEP(MDEEP): Last conduit selected.
* Select two conduits for depth printout
* # of conduits ...conduits
M4 2 1 2
* End your input data set with a $ENDPROGRAM.


about author

Storm/Sewer Modeler with a 45 yr association with EPASWMM. Now at Autodesk supporting InfoWorks ICM_SWMM Founder http://robertdickinson.org, Chair/TAC at http://CIMM.ORG


Storm/Sewer Modeler with a 45 yr association with EPASWMM. Now at Autodesk supporting InfoWorks ICM_SWMM

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