Year: 2017

APPENDIX B - Visual Object Properties

B.1 Rain Gage Properties

Name User-assigned rain gage name.
X-Coordinate Horizontal location of the rain gage on the Study Area Map. If left blank then the rain gage will not appear on the map.
Y-Coordinate Vertical location of the rain gage on the Study
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  • American Society of Civil Engineers Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 60 (1982). Gravity Sanitary Sewer Design and Construction. Reston, VA.
  • Clark, C.O. (1945). “Storage and the Unit Hydrograph,” Transaction of the ASCE, Vol. 110.
  • Espey, W.H., D.G. Altman (1978). “Nomographs for
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APPENDIX A - Useful Tables in InfoSWMM and InfoSWMM SA from SWMM5

A.1 Units of Measurement

Area (Subcatchment) acres Hectares
Area (Storage Unit) square feet square meters
Area (Ponding) square feet square meters
Capillary Suction inches millimeters
Concentration mg/L






Decay Constant
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Control Rules for RTC in InfoSWMM and InfoSWMM SA

Operational control rules determine how pumps and flow regulating structures (i.e., orifice and weir) in the conveyance system will be adjusted over the course of a simulation. InfoSWMM H2OMap SWMM InfoSWMM SA has the following three control classes.

· Initial Status … Read the rest

Special Queries for Domain and Facility in InfoSWMM and InfoSWMM SA

Special Queries are part of the Domain and Facility Managers

Special Query – Include all network components that meet the criteria of one of the special predefined queries. Examples of special queries are all orphan nodes etc

Special Queries … Read the rest

Attribute Browser Tools for InfoSWMM and InfoSWMM SA

The Attribute Browser has the following buttons/tools. The tools change depending on the type of Element.

Each one of these buttons is briefly described below:

Button Name Description
Select Element / Select Elements / Select Domain
  • Use the Select Element command to
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HEC-22 Inlets in InfoSWMM and InfoSWMM SA

The Junction inlet data table stores information regarding the inlet at the junction node. Refer to the section on inflow editor for more information on these input data. The following table shows the whole first row of the DB Table on separate rows … Read the rest

SWMM5 Project file are imported to InfoWorks ICM

Information from the following sections of the SWMM5 project file are imported to InfoWorks ICM Link objects:

  • [PUMPS]
  • [WEIRS]
  • [LOSSES]

[CONDUITS] Section

SWMM5 Conduits are imported as InfoWorks ICM Conduits or Channels with the following properties:… Read the rest

Stormwater Runoff and the Rational Method in InfoSWMM and InfoSWMM SA

For storm sewer loading, the focus shifts to hydrologic analysis of excess precipitation and associated runoff. Common techniques for analysis include the rational method and unit hydrograph methods, as well as the use of more advanced hydrologic models.

For … Read the rest

Example 8. Combined Sewer Systems in InfoSWMM and InfoSWMM SA

This example demonstrates how to model systems that convey both sanitary wastewater and stormwater through the same pipes. Systems like these are known as combined sewer systems and are still quite common in older communities and cities. During periods of … Read the rest

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