Month: January 2011

Subject: Cutoff Divider in the SWMM 5 Kinematic Wave Solution

A divider node in the SWMM 5 Kinematic Wave solution will divide the inflow to a node for two downstream links based on three criteria:

1. Cutoff Divider,
2. Tabular Divider, and
3. Weir Divider

The rule for a Cutoff

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Note: SWMM 5 Slope Rules

The relationship between the upstream and downstream node invert and offset elevations, the input conduit length and the slope used in the SWMM 5 simulation are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.  Slope, length and elevation drop relationship relationships in SWMM 5.

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1.   General
2.   Subcatchments
3.   Nodes
4.   Links

The objects in the General category can be applied to more than one category. For example, you can simulate pollutants either at a node or at the subcatchment level.

The objects are:

1.           Gage
2.           Links
3.           Shape
4.           Transect
5.           Nodes
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Subject:  How to add a volume variable to SWMM 5

The purpose of this email is to explain how to add another print variable to the DOS version of SWMM 5 so that it can saved in a table in the text output file (after you recompile the modified C
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