Day: September 6, 2016

Tutorial 8 Optimizing Bio-Retention Cells for InfoSWMM Sustain

This example shows the importance of a treatment train, the percent imperious draining to the LID's on a Subcatchment, the importance of optimizing for the number of units, area and soil thickness. Sustain will optimize the number of Bio Cells on the … Read the rest

Tutorial 7 Optimizing Swales in InfoSWMM Sustain

This example shows the importance of a treatment train, the percent imperious draining to the LID's on a Subcatchment, the importance of optimizing for the number of units, area and soil thickness. Sustain will optimize the number of Swales on the ten Subcatchments.… Read the rest

Tutorial 6 Optimizing Rain Gardens in InfoSWMM Sustain

This example shows the importance of a treatment train, the percent imperious draining to the LID's on a Subcatchment, the importance of optimizing for the number of units, area and soil thickness. Sustain will optimize the number of Rain Gardens on the … Read the rest

Tutorial 3 Optimizing Green Roofs in InfoSWMM Sustain

This example shows the importance of a treatment train, the percent imperious draining to the LID's on a Subcatchment, the importance of optimizing for the number of units, area and soil thickness. Sustain will optimize the number of Green Roofs on the … Read the rest

Tutorial 2 Optimizing Rain Barrels for InfoSWMM Sustain

This example shows the importance of a treatment train, the percent imperious draining to the LID's on a Subcatchment, the importance of optimizing for the number of units, area and soil thickness. Sustain will optimize the number of Rain Barrels on the … Read the rest

Tutorial 11 Importing a LID from InfoSWMM LID Coverage DB Table

In addition to the LID Candidates found by the Siting Manager or added by the Sustain User directly to the LID Candidates Grid you can also import any LID's defined in the LID Usage DB Table. Three ways to … Read the rest

Tutorial 13 How are the Costs Used in the LID Candidate Table for InfoSWMM Sustain?

There are seven type of costs associated with a LID or SuDS in InfoSWMM Sustain as shown in the following table.

Type of Cost Description of Cost
Linear Cost Cost per linear unit of the
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Tutorial 1 Creating a Simple Green Roof Optimization for InfoSWMM Sustain

In Tutorial 1 we will use the Siting Manager to Site Green Roof LID Types for later Optimization and Export to the InfoSWMM LID Usage DB Table. Tutorial 1 is designed for first-time users of InfoSWMM Sustain and provides … Read the rest

Import or Export EPA SWMM 5 Files to InfoSWMM or H2OMap SWMM

Use this to import an existing EPA SWMM 5 project into InfoSWMM H2OMap SWMM , or to export InfoSWMM H2OMap SWMM project to an EPA SWMM 5 model. Up on importing EPA SWMM 5 model, InfoSWMM will create … Read the rest

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