Month: September 2016

Tutorial 11 Importing a LID from InfoSWMM LID Coverage DB Table

In addition to the LID Candidates found by the Siting Manager or added by the Sustain User directly to the LID Candidates Grid you can also import any LID's defined in the LID Usage DB Table. Three ways to … Read the rest

Tutorial 13 How are the Costs Used in the LID Candidate Table for InfoSWMM Sustain?

There are seven type of costs associated with a LID or SuDS in InfoSWMM Sustain as shown in the following table.

Type of Cost Description of Cost
Linear Cost Cost per linear unit of the
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Tutorial 1 Creating a Simple Green Roof Optimization for InfoSWMM Sustain

In Tutorial 1 we will use the Siting Manager to Site Green Roof LID Types for later Optimization and Export to the InfoSWMM LID Usage DB Table. Tutorial 1 is designed for first-time users of InfoSWMM Sustain and provides … Read the rest

Import or Export EPA SWMM 5 Files to InfoSWMM or H2OMap SWMM

Use this to import an existing EPA SWMM 5 project into InfoSWMM H2OMap SWMM , or to export InfoSWMM H2OMap SWMM project to an EPA SWMM 5 model. Up on importing EPA SWMM 5 model, InfoSWMM will create … Read the rest

Pipe Solutions in InfoSewer & H20Map Sewer

Pipes/open channels are links that convey wastewater from one point in the network to another. Pipes are closed conduits and are commonly used in sanitary sewer systems and combined sewer systems, whereas open channels are open to the atmosphere and their application is … Read the rest

Siphon Modeling in InfoSewer and Arc Map

Siphon Modeling in InfoSewer and Arc Map

Here is at typical view of a siphon in InfoSewer, the rising links have a d/D of 1 and the dropping links typically have a d/D value less than 1. The q/Q for the rising links … Read the rest

#InfoSewer Images and Infographics

#INFOSEWER images from Twitter - in random order but if you glance at the whole list it might help clarify other sections of this Help File.







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Example Pump Controls in InfoSewer and H2OMap Sewer

Five ways to control the pump by controls in InfoSewerH20Map Sewer. Here are a few examples and important features of the various InfoSewer Pump Controls. A pump in InfoSewerH20Map Sewer uses a Newton-Raphson iteration process for 50 iterations or until the successive … Read the rest

New GIS Gateway Features in InfoSewer and InfoSWMM

New GIS Gateway Features:

· New comparison function to compare data of InfoSWMM or InfoSewer and GIS.

· New logging function to allow users to track the data changes.

· Allows users to save updated data to the selection sets

· Allows … Read the rest

Manhole loads in InfoSewer and H2OMap Sewer

Wastewater loads represent the average flows that are applied to the sewer collection network from tributary areas. These loads are defined as the amount of wastewater generated from tributary areas that must be handled by the conveyance system. They are based on a … Read the rest

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